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June 6, 2024

Detoxifying is the best anti-aging solution

Some of my greatest self-healings came from detoxifying, which is removing the toxins from my body. It can even lead to Rejuvenation in regeneration of your body because the body is intelligent and when we give it what it ne…
May 23, 2024

Our toxic free deodorant with vitamins and minerals in your blood in 26 seconds

Yes, we just introduced a toxic free deodorant with vitamins and minerals that's your body can use immediately to help himself heal itself. ANYthing you put on your skin penetrates and is in your blood in approximately 26 se…
May 16, 2024

Human Blueprint Frequencies for detoxing & self-healing yourself now

All aging discomfort and disease are simply too many dysfunctional mitochondria in the person's cells. The two reasons people lose their health is number one and accumulation of toxins and their body that the body is unable …
May 16, 2024

Get Paid to regain/stay healthy and Buy Your Life Back opportunity too!

You can have the best of both worlds, Use Frequency Medicine to get and stay healthier and Learn to earn a second source income leading to Residual income and Freedom of choice.  Understand that JOB really stands for "Just O…
May 3, 2024

How to get paid to get/stay healthy with pureVibranz Biz Opportunity

Enjoy the best of both worlds, Learn the options available to get and stay healthier and the option to earn a second source income leading to Residual income and Freedom of choice. Find out what JOB really stands for and how…
April 26, 2024

Three Lasers are better than one for Prevention & for staying healthy

Join me for an In depth look at the Red-InfraRed, Green & Violet Blue ReVitaLazers for maintaining Health, or regaining health, with "nature's medicine", the frequencies that resonate with your bio-field and your bodies!…
April 4, 2024

Accelerated self healing and cellular repair in the moment with the red infrared ReVitaLazer

Red infrared ReVitaLazer accelerates the performance of the mitochondria in seconds increasing the ATP, the life force energy in our cells therefore accelerating cellular repair in the moment., especially in the new injury. …
March 28, 2024

The Upgraded Red Infrared ReVitaLazer with added human blueprint frequencies using sacred geometry and

The Red Infrared ReVitaLazer is unique in the self-healing industry because of the added human blueprint frequencies and the Spectrum that they cover from Red through Infrared that are specific for the human body, join me to…
Feb. 14, 2024

take the nail out to start self-healing

Remember the detox or die early show? Look at the nail as a toxin, If you step on a Nail, then it goes into your foot, will it heal if you do not take the nail out? If you drive over a nail and it goes into your tire, can yo…
Dec. 6, 2023

Detoxing regularly is anti-aging at its finest.

You are taking in toxins into your body everyday and this is aging you quicker and quicker and say accumulate. Detoxing everyday, getting the toxins out that are interfering with your immune system and causing your aging pro…
Nov. 29, 2023

Avoid the cold and flu season with the Revitalazer

Did you ever wonder why they call it a cold and flu season and what's really behind people getting colds and flues and worse symptoms during this time frame, tune in and we'll cover all of that. I'll also show what is causin…
Nov. 15, 2023

Detox your body or die early part 2 about how too

Part 2 will be a review and then the many different ways to detox the chemicals, microplastics and heavy metals and allergens out of your body the quickest way so it can heal itself naturally. A detailed list of ways to deto…
Nov. 8, 2023

Detox your body or die early and painfully.

Detoxing, getting the frequencies of the chemicals and the heavy metals etc. out of our body is the quickest way to help the body heal itself. Using the pureVibranz Red-InfraRed ReVitaLaser is the quickest way to accelerate …
Oct. 25, 2023

Detoxing is the key to staying healthy, or regaining your health

Detoxing is the key to staying healthy, or regaining your health Detoxify or die book by Sherry Rogers points out very clearly that there is no question that accumulated toxins are behind nearly every disease, symptom, inju…
Oct. 18, 2023

Revitalizing your Mitochondria leads to anti-aging & Self-Healing

All aging, discomfort and dis-ease stem from too many dysfunctional mitochondria in your cells. What that means is the cell doesn't have enough energy being produced by the mitochondria, ATP, for that cell to do its work. Yo…
Sept. 27, 2023

Are you aging too quickly? Find out why

All aging is simply too many dysfunctional mitochondria in your cells. Tune in and find out how the pureVibranz red-infrared laser frequencies are the non-invasive alternative to rejuvenating, revitalizing and optimizing you…
Aug. 30, 2023

Alternative self-healing red-infrared laser

Alternative medicine, alternative vibrational medicine, frequency medicine working in your bio field to bring your body back into resonance for self-healing. Alternative structured, micro clustered and ionized water accelera…
Aug. 24, 2023

Red - infrared Lasered water as your medicine for self-healing

Red - infrared Lasered water as your medicine for self-healing. Every function of your body requires water, Learn how to improve the quality of your water very quickly, easily and simply so it can hydrate your body better an…
July 20, 2023

The Importance of Being Prepared, Prevention & Emergencies with wetter water, salt & sunshine anytime.

Learn what and how to make wetter water on demand, and how it super hydrates the body via osmosis from the mouth and upper stomach without having to be digested as tap water and bottled water and all filtered water requires,…
July 5, 2023

Your mitochondria are causing your situation & would love for you to use the red-infrared laser and drink structured water to….!

Looking for more FREEDOM? Raise your body's cellular vibration! All aging, discomfort, disease, arthritis etc., no matter what the medical label, begins with too many dysfunctional mitochondria., No exceptions. What I mean b…
June 28, 2023

Understanding Cellular Self-Healing in the moment on a new injury, Emergency self-care for self-healing

There is no substitute for being prepared in case of an emergency, accident, or disaster. Those who prepare even with the basics handle it and come out of it in much better shape than those who do not prepare in advance. Jo…
June 21, 2023

June 21st 2023 TV show, The Red Lasered Water Guy Show

Staying healthy using prevention versus staying alive during emergencies Being proactive with your health and staying healthy is the way to live a long, happy, enjoyable life. Your health is your greatest asset even though …
May 24, 2023

Sun gazing at midnight, the information in sunlight for self healing

Sunlight is the best light therapy for the human body, animals and plants. And sun gazing first thing in the morning or last thing is the sun goes down is always been known throughout history for its health benefits by stari…
May 17, 2023

Discover the secrets of energy, frequency and vibration for self-healing

Everything is energy, no exceptions, and all energy is a frequency vibrating information that is either helpful to help our body heal itself naturally, or harmful and keeping our body from healing itself naturally. We are al…