Anything you put on your skin is in your blood in 26 seconds, so have you looked at the ingredients how much you're putting on your skin and how lack of sunshine on your skin is detrimental to our health and wellness and well-being. Tune in and find out about…
Find out how our revitalazers replicate sunshine activating your mitochondria in 30 seconds to produce 30 to 35% more life force energy or ATP and make your cells happier. When your cells are happy you're happy Find out how our infrared laser activates water like sunshine does and it also…
Well must have adequate real unfiltered sunshine for optimal Health wellness and well-being. The red infrared revitalizer replicates the frequencies and sunshine that we must have for Optimal Health wellness and well-being every time you turn it on and point it on your body, in your water on your food…
Let there be light :-) sunlight that is because all the other lights are man-made and have side effects like blue light has in hindering our bodies ability to function, not instantly but over time blue light is very distracted, it's been called the number one non-native EMF. Tune in…
The red and infrared rays of sunshine Exposed on your skin is one of the keys to being healthier. If you're not getting enough sunshine your body will have a difficult time staying healthy much less healing from any kind of assault. The red infrared revitalizer is one of the…
Electron exchange is what makes the world go round, you determine how fast your age or how slow you age Your body's job is to create electrons from the food you eat and what you drink, and if there's no nutrition in there that the body recognizes you age very…
We have two ages, there's the calendar clock and the biological clock. And the two do not run together. The calendar clock is simple and easy to understand, however the biological clock can run much slower if you intentionally want to stay younger and healthier than are willing to do…
Tune in to find out what's stealing your life force energy everyday and what you can do about it, it's always a choice. Find out how the pure Vibrance age reversal system using the red infrared revitalazer and the replenish love and the Citrus silk system can actually support age…
Yes you can, yes you have the option for a new beginning every morning that you awake, you're either traveling down the same road as the rest of society, or you're traveling The Road Less Traveled which is taking your health and wellness and well-being into your own hands, and…
When we're born we have very high Lifeforce energy in our cells, and then we make choices, lifestyle choices, emotional choices, where to live choices, what to eat choices, what words to use choices, and as the calendar year is rolled by with every trip around the Sun, our body…
We have proven newer biological age does not have to run the same path as your calendar age. Your biological age is independent of your calendar years on this Earth and can either exceed it or be less than it. Learn how de-stressing your body can slow down your biological…
Our bodies are magnificent at making us think we're healthy by robbing Peter to pay Paul so to speak until it can no longer rob peter and then all the sudden it breaks, and we get labeled with some dis-ease or ailment Prevention is the key to being healthy and…
The bottom line too your health and wellness is the frequency of your vibrating, no exceptions, join us to find out how the revitalizers bigger the bio field and the body helping your body raise its vibration for self-healing which is regeneration back to Health and Wellness. No one else…
We're always making choices, and aging is an unconscious choice, and reverse aging is a conscious choice. Make the choice now to join me for this episode on simple choices to reverse aging on a biological level as the calendar aging Marches on. You get to choose which drummer you…
You can actually go beyond anti-aging to reverse aging and growing younger biologically, while the calendar clicks on year after year. I understand that you don't have to keep up with the calendar for your biological age. Discover how my body reengineered my eyes or regenerated my eyes back to…
Some of my greatest self-healings came from detoxifying, which is removing the toxins from my body. It can even lead to Rejuvenation in regeneration of your body because the body is intelligent and when we give it what it needs and get out of its way it can work miracles.…
REPLENISH LOVE Replenish Love is the most advanced, toxic free all-natural anti-aging and aging reversal serum on the market today. Using Ancient Wisdom with Modern Technology this product is a stand-alone in personal care product, with many uses all of which assist in slowing down and reversing the typical aging…
REPLENISH LOVE Replenish Love is the most advanced, toxic free all-natural anti-aging and aging reversal serum on the market today. Using Ancient Wisdom with Modern Technology this product is a stand-alone in personal care product, with many uses all of which assist in slowing down and reversing the typical aging…
REPLENISH LOVE Replenish Love is the most advanced, toxic free all-natural anti-aging and aging reversal serum on the market today. Using Ancient Wisdom with Modern Technology this product is a stand-alone in personal care product, with many uses all of which assist in slowing down and reversing the typical aging…
All aging discomfort and disease are simply too many dysfunctional mitochondria in the person's cells. The two reasons people lose their health is number one and accumulation of toxins and their body that the body is unable to get rid of, tune in and found out why, and number two…
You can have the best of both worlds, Use Frequency Medicine to get and stay healthier and Learn to earn a second source income leading to Residual income and Freedom of choice. Understand that JOB really stands for "Just Over Broke" and how to buy your life back AND enjoy…
Enjoy the best of both worlds, Learn the options available to get and stay healthier and the option to earn a second source income leading to Residual income and Freedom of choice. Find out what JOB really stands for and how to buy your life back if you desire it.…
Join me for an In depth look at the Red-InfraRed, Green & Violet Blue ReVitaLazers for maintaining Health, or regaining health, with "nature's medicine", the frequencies that resonate with your bio-field and your bodies! The Red-InfraRed, Green & Violet Blue ReVitaLazers work at the speed of light and so does…