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A Deeper Dive Into Why The Red-Infrared, Green & Violet Lasers NaturaLasers Work For Self Healing

Dr Jim Applegate has been using these lasers in his practice for over 15 years. He is joining me to explain the details of why the pureVibranz red-infrared, green & violet naturalasers complement each other & with the added Human Blueprint frequencies (optimal wellness-health frequencies for our body) assist our bodies in raising its vibration for quickening the self-healing process at light speed. Learn more about the effects on the mitochondria that lead to anti-aging and even to reverse-aging!

Dr Doug Wallace says Aging is simply to many dysfunctional Mitochondria in the cells & causing about 80% of today’s dis-eases, bio energetic deficit. The mitochondria are not producing enough energy in that cell for it to do its work.
The more Energy you have in your cells, the healthier and longer you live. Now it has been discovered that there are free-floating mitochondria in our blood as well, they are not just in our cells. This is a great discovery and Dr Jim describes in detail what that means to us, and it clarifies why the pureVibranz NaturaLasers works so well and in seconds to help our body heal itself naturally so quickly.

Dr Jack Cruise say when the Sun’s Red-InfraRed rays infuse Electrons in Water & holds the charge (stores energy)
Every mitochondria is surrounded by EZ water, (electron rich).
We want as many FREE Electrons as possible every day!

Every photon in the Red-InfraRed laser light gives up an electron to the water in our body (EZ water) & reducing free radicals & lowering inflammation