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Cut foot, cellular repair in the moment with the red-infrared laser, self-care for self-healing tool

Self-Care for Self-Healing tools you carry with you for FAST-AID in emergencies. Joe Blanton here the red laser Guy, and you've heard me say before that the red and infrared laser is cellular repair in a moment on a new injury like a cut or a sprained ankle. And I've got, and great visual for you here, where you can actually see what i'm talking about there.

I was painting my bedroom barefooted and got a phone call. I went to slide this piece of copper over, it's like 2 feet wide, 6 feet long that I had on the floor I use for grounding, and I went to slide that over with my bare foot, and, as you can see, that was a big mistake. It's about a half inch wide on the top, and about an inch and a half long. It was bleeding a lot, so I grabbed the paper towels grab my red-infrared laser.
and 6 min later this is what it looked like. The bleeding is stopped, and which is, you know, the cellular repair in the moment is what causes that the body is doing the healing on its own, because we've given it to frequencies that need got out of its way. And then 12 min later. This is what it looks like. It's just amazes me every time I see this, you know you can see it's stitching together and mending itself right there in real time, cellular repair in a moment, and it takes the trauma out of a new injury In 30 to 40 seconds, it adds about 30% more. Life force, energy into the blood, it separates all the red blood cells into free flowing. So you have better micro circulation and more oxygen, and the immune system free to work also. So there's no swelling, and that's what I love about it.
So what I did is I put a some bandage across the cut. I put a frequency disc on the bottom of my foot, I put a one of our basic benefits on the ball of my foot. I put my sock on and went back to to painting my bedroom, because there's no downtime when you have cellular repair in the moment. Again, there's no pain. takes the trauma out of the injury. So this is what it looked like. 2 days later you can see that it's all mending up. There's no stitches. It's fast aid in in the working, and I also, added, the violet laser. The violet laser, stimulates the release of nitric oxide. which acts as an accelerating agent in wound. Healing in our body. You know the body knows what to do when it can access its own resources.
So you no, stitches no scab, no downtime. The body is healing itself from the inside out just like it's supposed to taken care of itself. Our Body has to do the healing, but we can assistant with the right human blueprint frequencies and helping it have more life force energy, because it's the energy in the cells that determines our health. If the cell has enough energy to do its work. Then everything's working well. So it's regenerative medicine. It's anti-aging it's, you know it's even reverse aging.
This is what I love about it. So thank you, Vibranz, pureVibranz for these wonderful self care tools for self healing.
I hope you get as much out of that as I did.
I'm loving these products, and I love sharing them and working with them for about 14 years, and just, you know, having a blast. So take care, have fun, bye, for now let me know any questions. 469*766*5511 or
Alternative medicine or modalities for helping our bodies heal itself. the body has to do the healing!