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IS YOUR CELL PHONE FRYING YOUR BRAIN? TransMuting Earth Strips for Cell phones, computers, blenders.

yes, it is, YOUR CELL PHONE FRYING YOUR BRAIN. The Vibranz TransMuting Earth Strips to CHANGE the FIELD, not try to block it. See the results before and after adding Vibranz Earth strips to Dr Kunes laptop computer and tablet using the GDV, (gas discharge visualization camera), the most accurate scientific testing for the biofield, the energy field of a room, or around a person, animal etc. Most people are trying to "block" the effects of EMF, we don't, we transmute the EMF to beneficial, coherent frequencies for out bodies!
For more info, or contact me. have fun! :-) Joe Blanton, The Red Laser Guy, 469-766-5511
#Healthy #energetic wellness #energetic medicine #vibranz # zeropoint #quantum bio-physics