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Red/Near-InfraRed Laser pen: Dog Bite recovery and Beauty Therapy with Izzy Styles

Yesterday I went to take out the trash and a huge bull dog lunged at me and bit my leg, tearing into me pretty good. Since my mother is a huge fan of Laser therapy she handed me her laser, some lotion and told me to hold it on the wound for 3-5 minutes. At first it was huge, swollen, red and already turning black and blue. But after using this, you could already see the swelling going down and the next day there was very little bruising.
She uses this for her skin, for wrinkles, for cellulite and basically all skincare. This is why most people think she is 35, when she is 50.
get yours here: or contact me. have fun! :-) Joe Blanton 469-766-5511
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