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Self Healing My Eyes Joe Blanton, The Red Laser Guy, using Frequencies for optimal eye health vision

I started wearing glasses when I was 18, and after working with Vibrational Self-Healing devices from Vibranz I no longer wear glasses to work on the computer or read, I can read the fine print without glasses, it is a real freedom! I can see the golf ball out over 200 yards and it's great not to have to the limitations of the frames for peripheral vision too. Here I show 3 of my eye exams from January 2011 thru December 2020.

I love helping my body heal itself with the vibrational self-healing tools like the Red/Near InfraRed laser pen and the ARC Vision eye drops with optimal wellness frequencies (Human Blueprint Frequencies) added to them! I have been working with Vibranz for over 10 years and really enjoy helping people, help themselves, Help their Body, Heal Itself :-) The emotional rewards are great with testimonials just like mine and greater! I think you'll agree, Our body is the only real magic, it has to heal itself and will when we give it what it needs and get out of its way!

Future medicine will be the medicine of adjusting frequencies, and the future is here with Vibranz Self-Care tools for self-healing at the speed of light :-), let me know if I can help!, One of my sites with Red/NIR laser info & more is ,

FUN and LAUGHTER is a Higher vibration, so remember to have fun all along your journey, Joe