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Vibranz Sirius Earth Stirps, 100% Organic 5-G protection, Changing Harmful EMF to Helpful EMF , Nature Knows best, Sirius Earth Strips are All Natural Organic 5G protection for YOU and the Person You are calling! Earth Hearts and Earth Strips, transmute (change) the EMF/ELF waves to Coherent Fields the body can use. This Transmutation of the frequencies from incoherent (Harmful) to coherent (Helpful) is what makes Earth Hearts and Earth Strips so different and powerful. When the organs and systems of the body are attuned with the frequencies that are in the Sirius Earth Hearts and Strips, the body returns to a balance state. The body is able to protect and heal itself when it is in balance.

I can do a Neurological test long distance on my mobile phone to document the positive effects instantly, so, Please let me know if you would like a demonstration or have any questions.
Be Safe & Remember to always Have Fun, Joe :-), The Red Laser Guy,

these statements have not been evaluated by the fda. these products are not intended to diagnose, treat, mitigate or cure anything, and they don't, ONLY the body can heal itself, when we give it what it needs and get out of it's way! after all, "it's self-healing or no healing"